[cvs] commit: framework/Image/Image Decorator.php framework/Image/Image/Decorator border.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Thu Oct 18 00:26:41 UTC 2007

mrubinsk    2007-10-17 20:26:41 EDT

  Modified files:
    Image/Image          Decorator.php 
    Image/Image/Decorator border.php 
  Update Horde_Image_Decorator_border to actually extend Horde_Image_Decorator and some other fixes to fit into new Decorator code.
  ...that being said, border doesn't seem to currently work correctly, but I'm not sure if it did previously or not...will look into.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.11      +2 -2      framework/Image/Image/Decorator.php
  1.4       +6 -6      framework/Image/Image/Decorator/border.php

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