[cvs] commit: framework/Image package.xml framework/Image/Image/Effect/im drop_shadow.php framework/Image/Image/Effect/gd drop_shadow.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Mon Oct 22 23:38:00 UTC 2007

mrubinsk    2007-10-22 19:38:00 EDT

  Modified files:
    Image                package.xml 
  Added files:
    Image/Image/Effect/im drop_shadow.php 
    Image/Image/Effect/gd drop_shadow.php 
  Add drop_shadow effect for im and gd drivers.
  Note: the gd version of this (and some of the other) effects is not as polished as the im version.  drop_shadow in particular needs some tweaking, if not a completly different algorithm - so if anyone has any ideas... :)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +138 -0    framework/Image/Image/Effect/gd/drop_shadow.php (new)
  1.1       +52 -0     framework/Image/Image/Effect/im/drop_shadow.php (new)
  1.21      +2 -0      framework/Image/package.xml

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