[cvs] commit: whups/admin index.php whups/lib/Driver sql.php whups/lib/Forms Admin.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Mon Dec 10 18:28:23 UTC 2007

mrubinsk    2007-12-10 13:28:22 EST

  Modified files:
    admin                index.php 
    lib/Driver           sql.php 
    lib/Forms            Admin.php 
  Initial support for adding/editing queue slugs.  Uniqueness is enforced
  on the server end only for now.  Still need to implement an AJAX check
  on the client side.
  Also, are we calling these things 'slugs' in the UI also? In other words...
  I welcome any suggestions on how to describe this field to the user :)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +4 -3      whups/admin/index.php
  1.279     +30 -8     whups/lib/Driver/sql.php
  1.9       +7 -1      whups/lib/Forms/Admin.php

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