[cvs] commit: horde/js tables.js-prototype.js horde/js/src tables.js-prototype.js

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Dec 20 23:43:59 UTC 2007

chuck       2007-12-20 18:43:59 EST

  Modified files:
    js                   tables.js-prototype.js 
    js/src               tables.js-prototype.js 
  - fix selector that finds the first tbody row (for determining sort
  method) to actually use the tbody in all cases
  - use lowercase tag names for HTML compatibility
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +7 -7      horde/js/src/tables.js-prototype.js
  1.9       +1 -1      horde/js/tables.js-prototype.js

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