[cvs] commit: agora/lib Messages.php agora/lib/Messages split_sql.php sql.php

Duck duck at obala.net
Tue Jan 1 19:32:33 UTC 2008

duck        2008-01-01 14:32:33 EST

  Modified files:
    lib                  Messages.php 
    lib/Messages         split_sql.php sql.php 
  Expiring thread cache is wasteful as we must expire every view combination. Avoid expiration large cache items list by prefix the cache keys. The prefix increments when a new message is posted.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.296     +88 -110   agora/lib/Messages.php
  1.14      +5 -5      agora/lib/Messages/split_sql.php
  1.12      +5 -5      agora/lib/Messages/sql.php

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