[cvs] commit: dimp imp.php dimp/js DimpBase.js ViewPort.js dimp/js/src DimpBase.js ViewPort.js

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Mar 3 16:35:37 UTC 2008

slusarz     2008-03-03 11:35:37 EST

  Modified files:
    .                    imp.php 
    js                   DimpBase.js ViewPort.js 
    js/src               DimpBase.js ViewPort.js 
  More ViewPort cleanups.  Don't use individual callbacks for viewport AJAX
  responses.  Have the server wrap up all ViewPort information in a
  'viewport' variable, and then pass this information direct to ViewPort
  (via ajaxResponse) and take care of it internally.
  Move get slice logic entirely into ViewPort.
  Much more efficient ViewPort_Buffer.remove() - no need to clone multiple
  objects, and only iterate through range that is actually changing.
  When scrolling through a slice that is already being fetched, correctly flag
  to display correct offset when slice finally loaded.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.204     +8 -5      dimp/imp.php
  1.12      +1 -1      dimp/js/DimpBase.js
  1.238     +1 -1      dimp/js/ViewPort.js
  1.12      +18 -36    dimp/js/src/DimpBase.js
  1.217     +177 -113  dimp/js/src/ViewPort.js

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