[cvs] commit: framework/Text_Filter/Filter xss.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Mar 21 05:13:27 UTC 2008

slusarz     2008-03-21 01:13:27 EDT

  Modified files:
    Text_Filter/Filter   xss.php 
  As of PHP 5.2 PHP established a backtrack limit on PCRE expressions.  This
  backtrack limit is fairly small (100,000 characters by default), so long
  matching strings could potentnially fail.  The worst part is, instead of
  returning the original string, preg_* funcs return null and output no
  error messages - you must use the preg_last_error() func (new as of PHP 5.2)
  to determine the issue.
  This is a long way of describing the issue seen here with certain HTML
  messages when viewed inline.  The check for a body/html tag in the XSS
  filter was doing excessive backtrack if no body/html was found in the
  message.  These messages occurred more often in tidy-cleaned messages since
  tidy is configured in IMP to remove body/html tags already.  The solution
  (I think): use a once-only subpattern to indicate that the entire tag string
  must be matched and don't do backtracking if not (see the PHP PCRE Pattern
  Syntax page for more information).
  This is a useful note for all devs in the future when dealing with a PCRE
  expression that isn't matching anything but returns null.  It only took me
  2 hours to figure this out :(
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +2 -2      framework/Text_Filter/Filter/xss.php

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