[cvs] commit: nag/lib Nag.php api.php nag/lib/Driver sql.php

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Thu May 8 17:45:27 UTC 2008

bklang      2008-05-08 13:45:27 EDT

  Modified files:
    lib                  Nag.php api.php 
    lib/Driver           sql.php 
  * Make SQL driver error codes easier to trace
  * Disable Nag::permissionsFilter (as implemented yesterday) because it doesn't work like Turba.  This needs to be fixed but for now if a user attempts to directly browse another user they may be able to see tasklists to which they have no access.  They will not be able to read into the tasklists themselves, only see the tasklist IDs represented in the browse view.
  * Add hack to get correct content length before sending response to browse.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.97      +3 -3      nag/lib/Driver/sql.php
  1.173     +8 -7      nag/lib/Nag.php
  1.178     +18 -3     nag/lib/api.php

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