[cvs] commit: ansel/js lightbox.js ansel/js/src lightbox.js ansel/lib/Views GalleryLightbox.php ansel/templates/view gallerylightbox.inc
Michael Rubinsky
mike at theupstairsroom.com
Wed May 21 19:33:46 UTC 2008
mrubinsk 2008-05-21 15:33:46 EDT
Modified files:
js lightbox.js
js/src lightbox.js
lib/Views GalleryLightbox.php
templates/view gallerylightbox.inc
hack lightbox.js to navigate through the entire gallery, not just the
current page. This still needs work, specifically, would like to see
if grabbing each page's image data via Ajax instead of loading it all
at once is worth the it...and things like reloading the json data if
captions are edited in-line.
Revision Changes Path
1.4 +1 -1 ansel/js/lightbox.js
1.4 +27 -51 ansel/js/src/lightbox.js
1.22 +12 -11 ansel/lib/Views/GalleryLightbox.php
1.10 +4 -0 ansel/templates/view/gallerylightbox.inc
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