[cvs] [Wiki] changed: AdminPerms

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat May 31 07:43:39 UTC 2008

jan  Sat, 31 May 2008 03:43:39 -0400

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/AdminPerms
New Revision:  3.3
Change log:  Fix coding standard

@@ -53,30 +53,25 @@

 1. Define, in turba/config/sources.php, that addressbook, using
{{sizelimit}}, {{export}}, and {{browse}} to prevent large-scale address
copying, e. g.:
 <code type="php">
 /** Central E-Mail Directory (read-only) **/
-$cfgSources['localldap'] = array( 'title' => _("E-Mail directory Example
-                                , 'type' => 'ldap'
-                                , 'params' => array( 'server'    =>
-                                                   , 'port'      => '389'
-                                                   , 'tls'       => false
-                                                   , 'root'      =>
'ou=people,o=Example Ltd.,c=com'
-                                                   , 'charset'   => 'utf-8'
-                                                   , 'sizelimit' => 200
-                                                   , 'scope'     => 'one'
-                                                   , 'version'   => 3
-                                                   ),
-                                , 'map'    => array( '__key'     => 'dn'
-                                                   , 'name'      => 'cn',
-                                                   , 'email'     => 'mail'
-                                                   ),
-                                , 'search' => array( 'name',
-                                                   , 'email'
-                                                   ),
-                                , 'strict' => array('dn')
-                                , 'export' => false
-                                , 'browse' => false
-                                );
+$cfgSources['localldap'] = array('title' => _("E-Mail directory Example
+                                 'type' => 'ldap',
+                                 'params' => array('server'    =>
+                                                   'port'      => '389',
+                                                   'tls'       => false,
+                                                   'root'      =>
'ou=people,o=Example Ltd.,c=com',
+                                                   'charset'   => 'utf-8',
+                                                   'sizelimit' => 200,
+                                                   'scope'     => 'one',
+                                                   'version'   => 3),
+                                 'map'    => array('__key'     => 'dn',
+                                                   'name'      => 'cn',
+                                                   'email'     => 'mail'),
+                                 'search' => array('name', 'email'),
+                                 'strict' => array('dn'),
+                                 'export' => false,
+                                 'browse' => false);
 2. Login to Horde as an administrator, then select the
Administration/Permissions menu.
 # Under //All Permissions//, add new permission //Address Book (turba)//
 # Under //Address Book (turba)//, add new permission //Sources (sources)//

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