[cvs] [Wiki] created: Project/ContentBackend

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jun 10 02:44:51 UTC 2008

chuck  Mon, 09 Jun 2008 22:44:51 -0400

Created page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/ContentBackend


+ Horde Content Backend

A generic Horde Content system will be created. Initially it will be very
basic, providing a horde_content_master table that maps a global
horde_content_id to a type and a local id (i.d., global id 32 is a blog post
with id 7). This will be a building block for future Horde services, and for
things like the linkback service.

In the future, an admin UI for creating and editing content types, including
automatic generation of database tables and Rdo Mapper and domain objects,
should be written for Horde_Content. This could be the backend of a pretty
powerful CMS.

++ Bugs

++ People

ChuckHagenbuch is actively working on this project

++ Description

The content backend will include a few generic modules:

+++ Linkback service

The linkback service will provide a generic endpoint for handling incoming
trackbacks or pingbacks, and a database table that can track them by

+++ Tagging service

If possible performance-wise, a Horde-wide content tagging implementation,
using content_master_ids, would allow relating tagged content between
multiple Horde applications or content types.

+++ Search

Once we have Horde_Content, we should be able to build Horde_Content_Index
on top of it that builds a full text index of anything in the
horde_content_master table (using the content type objects to fetch each
piece of content for indexing), with either mysql full-text as a backend, or
something like Solr (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/)

+++ CMS front end?

I'm just going to preserve a quote from Duck here since I'm sure there's
something useful to be distilled from it but I'm not capable of doing that
distilling right now:

> IMO Jonah should remain as an news feeder or rss aggregator. A CMS module
> should have an editor system, tracing differences between content
> track-backs, connected with other modules (attachments from Gollem, link
> shopping items from Merk...) and so on. So I would be happy to see an
> dedicated powerful module then extending Jonah or Thomas. I guess as a
lot of
> companies uses Horde groupware will really like to see and module for such
> publishing and linking to their data that are already in their groupware
> intranet.

Horde_Content might be the backend that we can build this frontend on.

++ Resources

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linkback

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