[cvs] [Wiki] changed: Project/Hydra

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 30 04:58:03 UTC 2008

chuck  Mon, 30 Jun 2008 00:58:03 -0400

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/Hydra
New Revision:  1.3
Change log:  potential horde_text_transformer lib

@@ -54,8 +54,20 @@
  Page Object
   - how to return block from driver, inherit Block methods, but also  
inherit Rdo_Base
  Mapper! Mappers are the drivers
+++++ Horde_Text_Transformer
+* text_to_html
+* html_to_text
+* wiki_to_html
+* wiki_to_?
+* textile_to_html
+Horde_Text_Transformer::transform($text, $from, $to = 'html');
+* finds the best transformer
+* if there's no exact match, sees if there's an intermediate through  
'text' (i.e., textile_to_text goes from textile_to_html through  

  CMS Suggestion: Add some native support for Horde_Blocks or a new  
kind of widget. That will encourage more people to build Blocks which  
one can integrate into Websites.Currently you only need few lines of  
code but if the CMS is going to be a new app for release, this may  
really push Horde deployment a step forward.See also the CMS module of  
egroupware which allows joomla templates to be used, and easily  
integrates all egroupware apps (but is a bit clumsy)

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