[cvs] commit: dimp/templates/index index.inc dimp/themes screen.css

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jul 16 05:15:20 UTC 2008

slusarz     2008-07-16 01:15:20 EDT

  Modified files:
    templates/index      index.inc 
    themes               screen.css 
  Because we need to float the messagelist to position the scrollbar, if preview
  is turned off, there are no elements in its containing div that have a height
  value (all child elements are floated or hidden).  Stick a div at the end of the
  parent div with a clear directive that causes the border to appear correctly
  around the entire message list.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.212     +2 -1      dimp/templates/index/index.inc
  1.283     +2 -3      dimp/themes/screen.css

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