[cvs] [Wiki] created: CreatingYourFirstModule

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Fri Aug 15 12:52:14 UTC 2008

guest []  Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:52:14 -0400

Created page: http://wiki.horde.org/CreatingYourFirstModule

+ Creating a Horde Module

1. Check out the skeleton module from horde CVS

<code type="sh">
export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository
# The following password is horde
cvs login
cvs export -d modulename -r HEAD skeleton

2. Create the following script as prjrename.php - save it somewhere  
sensible, like your home directory:

<code type="php">

if (count($_SERVER['argv'])==3) {

   $prjMC=substr($prjUC, 0, 1) . substr($prjLC, 1, strlen($prjLC)-1);

   $filehandle=fopen(trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]), 'r');
   $file=fread($filehandle, filesize($_SERVER['argv'][1]));
   $newfile=str_replace(array('SKELETON', 'Skeleton', 'skeleton'),  
array($prjUC, $prjMC, $prjLC), $file);
   $filehandle=fopen(trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]), 'w');
   fwrite($filehandle, $newfile);
} else {

function help() {
   echo "php prjrename.php [filename] [string]
filename = The file to update
string = the name of the file to replace


3. On a unix system, use the following command to replace all skeleton  
strings with your project name (I don't think there's an appropriate  
command for windows, unless you've got cygwin):

<code type="sh">
find /path/to/skeleton/export -type f -exec php -q  
/path/to/prjrename.php '{}' modulename

4. Perform some file modifications:

<code type="sh">
mv /path/to/modulename/lib/Skeleton.php /path/to/modulename/lib/Modulename.php
mkdir /path/to/modulename/themes/graphics

5. Upload a PNG icon at 16x16 for the module to the path created  
above, this one is available if you're stuck:


6. In /path/to/horde/config/registry.d/ create a file called  
modulename.php. Please note the lack of ?> at the end of the php  
block, and also the menu parent. If you want your object to go  
*ANYWHERE ELSE* you will need to change this!

<code type="php">
$this->applications['modulename'] = array(
     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modulename',
     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/modulename',
     'name' => _("A description of your module"),
     'status' => 'active',
     'menu_parent' => 'horde'

OK, so you now have your first module. Now, you need to populate it  
with content. This will be the subject of the next section.

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