[cvs] [Wiki] changed: SyncMLCreateTestCases

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Aug 28 15:47:02 UTC 2008

jan  Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:47:02 -0400

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/SyncMLCreateTestCases
New Revision:  1.12
Change log:  Tidy

@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@

  For developers:

  * If the phone uses wbxml this must be converted to xml first: {{for  
a in *.wbxml; do wbxml2xml -m 0 -o `basename $a .wbxml`.xml $a; done }}
+  * Or for better readability: {{for a in *.wbxml; do wbxml2xml -m 0  
-o - $a | tidy -xml -indent > `basename $a .wbxml`.xml; done}}

  * References to the installation that created the test case should  
be removed: data like http://horeinstall.com/horde/rpc.php should be  
renamed to http://example.com/rpc.php

-* all *.xml go into a directory under framework/syncml/tests with  
name testcase_[descriptionoftestcase]
+* All *.xml go into a directory under framework/syncml/tests with  
name testcase_[descriptionoftestcase]

-* in framework/syncml/tests do a {{./testsync.php  
--dir=testcase_[descriptionoftestcase]}} to run the test.
+* In framework/syncml/tests do a {{./testsync.php  
--dir=testcase_[descriptionoftestcase]}} to run the test.

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