[cvs] [Wiki] changed: Project/Hydra

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Sep 5 05:36:48 UTC 2008

chuck  Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:36:48 -0400

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/Hydra
New Revision:  1.4
Change log:  small notes on text types

@@ -37,11 +37,12 @@
  +++ Draft specification

  We need some sort of CMS to manage the content of the site and to  
make some areas user-editable like the current wiki. We may adopt an  
existing CMS, or we may adapt some of our own existing code. I propose  
that we create a new app similar to Wicked and the old Giapeto app,  
with the following feature list:

-* Support for different page content-types (wiki, HTML, rST)
+* Support for different page content-types (wiki, HTML, textile)
  * a GUI HTML editor for html content pages
-* inline preview (instead of wicked's popup - can just be an overlay)
+ * loki and fckeditor seem most promising so far for this; I want  
something that supports h1-h6, p, and tables at least - no <font>,  
mostly semantic markup.
+* inline preview (instead of wicked's popup - can just be an  
overlay). only necessary for non-HTML
  * permissions like Wicked
  * implicit or explicit hierarchies based on / as a separator
  * use Horde_Routes for URL management
  * use Rdo for data classes

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