[cvs] [Wiki] changed: BCBreakingHordeIssues
Chuck Hagenbuch
chuck at horde.org
Tue Oct 7 04:48:19 UTC 2008
chuck Tue, 07 Oct 2008 00:48:19 -0400
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/BCBreakingHordeIssues
New Revision: 2.63
Change log: this is more or less decided
@@ -96,13 +96,9 @@
* Un-stall all tickets with Horde 4/IMP 5/etc. milestones
++ To discuss
* Template system (Horde_Template? something else?)
-* use __autoload() instead of require_once
- * Using a global __autoload() function is not good practice for a
framework because you can only have one __autoload function - I'm not
in favor of it (ChuckHagenbuch).
- * Using it in Horde apps as opposed to the framework is an option,
but still leaves us all of the framework requires.
- * http://php.net/spl-autoload-register is a potential solution. With
PHP 5.1.x (or 5.2, or ...) as a minimum version requiring SPL should
be okay.
- * Performance a consideration? http://pooteeweet.org/blog/538/
+* use spl_autoload() instead of require_once (with Horde_Autoloader)
* RemoveGlobals
* ((Project/HordeSpaces))
* Require UTF-8 support
* Require PHP 5.3+ and use the intl extension (http://us3.php.net/intl)
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