[cvs] commit: framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap Client.php framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client Base.php Cache.php Exception.php Socket.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Oct 20 21:55:53 UTC 2008

slusarz     2008-10-20 17:55:52 EDT

  Modified files:
    Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap Client.php 
    Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client Base.php Cache.php 
                                      Exception.php Socket.php 
  Finish implementing some of the more esoteric points of CONDSTORE.
  Remove cache when deleting/renaming a mailbox.
  _store() will now return a list of fetch'd flag responses to store() - this
  is where we can update the flag cache in the future.
  Since we are not often deleting multiple mailboxes, refactor Cache's
  deleteMboxes() -> deleteMailbox().
  Shift a bit more of IMAP extension detection to Base.php.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.38      +3 -1      framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client.php
  1.64      +74 -13    framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Base.php
  1.7       +13 -15    framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Cache.php
  1.14      +5 -1      framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Exception.php
  1.78      +70 -17    framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php

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