[cvs] commit: ansel gallery.php ansel/lib Ansel.php ansel/lib/Widget Actions.php

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Thu Nov 6 20:45:59 UTC 2008

bklang      2008-11-06 15:45:59 EST

  Modified files:
    .                    gallery.php 
    lib                  Ansel.php 
    lib/Widget           Actions.php 
  Add administrative function to remove all cached views.  This is useful when cha
  nging the Ansel configuration's "screen" view size.  This action will cause Anse
  l to regenerate all intermediate images.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.138     +24 -1     ansel/gallery.php
  1.534     +14 -1     ansel/lib/Ansel.php
  1.37      +9 -2      ansel/lib/Widget/Actions.php

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