[cvs] commit: chora/js annotate.js chora/js/src annotate.js chora/templates/annotate line.inc

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Jan 8 19:14:19 UTC 2009

slusarz     2009-01-08 14:14:19 EST

  Modified files:
    js                   annotate.js 
    js/src               annotate.js 
    templates/annotate   line.inc 
  Don't need DOM id's for each entry (just wasting lookup hash table resources
  in browser). Instead, store the revision in a parameter so that the log
  viewer can easily access it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +1 -1      chora/js/annotate.js
  1.2       +2 -2      chora/js/src/annotate.js
  1.22      +2 -2      chora/templates/annotate/line.inc

  Chora Links:

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