[cvs] [Wiki] created: Project/Manios

Duck duck at obala.net
Sun Feb 1 23:57:30 UTC 2009

duck  Sun, 01 Feb 2009 18:57:30 -0500

Created page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/Manios


+ Manios

Advertisement getaway.

++ People

Duck [mailto:duck at obala.net duck at obala.net]

++ Description

+++ Features
* Uses ((MinervaModule|Minerva invoicing system)) to publish invoices
* Uses ((Project/Horde_Payment|Payment gateway)) for online payment of  
campings budgets
* Driver based access to ads distribution programs (publisher)
* Hook to process ads content before added to the publisher driver
* Text ads with images
* Advertiser account
* Implemented campaigns, zones, banner dimenssions, statistics preview

+++ Implemented drivers_
* OpenX http://www.openx.org/

++ Resources

* https://developer.openx.org/wiki/display/API/OpenX+API+Tutorial

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