[cvs] [Wiki] changed: PopulatingYourFirstModule

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Mon Feb 9 00:30:33 UTC 2009

guest []  Sun, 08 Feb 2009 19:30:33 -0500

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/PopulatingYourFirstModule
New Revision:  1.6
Change log:  typo correction

@@ -13,39 +13,39 @@
  * Permissions
  * All Content-Pages which are accessible through on oh the menus
  * Services offered to external modules

-usually it is useful to nalyse another horde Module to learn how this  
work. I analysed Kronolith and it helped me a lot.
+Usually it is useful to analyse another hordemodule to learn how this  
work. I analysed Kronolith and it helped me a lot.

-Obviously it is neccesarry to know the provied horde API zu wirte a  
horde module. Because a beginner (and this tutorial is adressed to  
them) has no clue about it, it is very usefull to read the  
package-documentation at http://dev.horde.org/api/framework/.
+Obviously it is necessary to know the provided horde API zu write a  
horde module. Because a beginner (and this tutorial is adressed to  
them) has no clue about it, it is very usefull to read the  
package-documentation at http://dev.horde.org/api/framework/.

  + Menus

-In Horde there are two standard menus: The Top Menu an the Side Menu.
+In Horde there are two standard menus: The top menu an the side menu.

-ToDo: Add Links to Wikipages describing menus in detail.
+ToDo: Add links to Wikipages describing menus in detail.

  ++ Top Menu

-The Top MenĂ¼ is devided in to 4 sections:
-* left: Menuitems provided by this module: see below
-* mid left: Menuitems added manually: see below
-* mid right: Menuitems added in the administrator's module setup
-* right: Menuitems provided by horde as default
+The top menu is devided in to 4 sections:
+* left: menuitems provided by this module: see below
+* mid left: menuitems added manually: see below
+* mid right: menuitems added in the administrator's module setup
+* right: menuitems provided by horde as default

  +++ left
-the Menuitmes this module intentionally provide are located in the  
file <module>/lib/Module.php in the function ::getMenu()
+the menuitmes this module intentionally provide are located in the  
file <module>/lib/Module.php in the function ::getMenu()

  Add Items like this:
  <code type="php">
_("MenuItemName"), 'icon.png', $registry->getImageDir() );


  +++ mid left
-Items ar added in <module>/config/menu.php:
+Items are added in <module>/config/menu.php:
  <code type="php">
  $_menu[] = array(
        'url' =>        'http://www.example.com/',
        'text' =>       'Example, Inc.',
@@ -55,22 +55,19 @@
        'onclick' =>    ''


  ++ Side Menu

  + Calling procedure at entering the application

-If a module is entered via the side-menu, usualy the url to the  
module-folder was provided. The link ist  
http://<myHordeInstallation>/<mymodule> without any file. So the  
calling Procedure starts by executing the index.php oh the webserver.
+If a module is entered via the side-menu, usualy the url to the  
module-folder was provided. The link ist  
http://<myHordeInstallation>/<mymodule> without any file suffix. So  
the calling procedure starts by executing the index.php on the  

  * Executing index.php: initialzing, load configfiles and load the  
page which should be displayed at the beginning (e.g. in Skeleton:  
-* list.php calls >module>/lib/base.php.
-* now lists.php is displayed. By Clicking on any Menu-Item another  
Contentpage as list.php (but of course also list.php again) could be  
displayed (->executed).
+* list.php calls >module>/lib/base.php to initialize the module and  
then proceeds with its content.
+* now lists.php is displayed. By Clicking on any menuitem another  
contentpage as list.php (but of course also list.php again) could be  
displayed (->executed).

  + Permissions

  The module's permissiontree which includes the logical structure of  
all permissions available in this module is defined in  
@@ -78,15 +75,15 @@
  Further information about permissions is available at  

  + Content-Page

-Basic Procedure to create Content-Pages:
+The basic procedure to create Content-Pages is:
  * create .inc files that display the elements on the screen
  * create any php files needed to fill in forms

  It is a good point to start a contentpage by copying the Skeleton's list.php

-All viewable pages ar located in the module's root-folder. All  
businesslogic (classes etc) are located in separate files in  
+All viewable pages ar located in the module's root-folder. All  
businesslogic (classes etc,) are located in separate files in  

  + Services

  + Misc

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