[cvs] [Wiki] changed: MichaelRubinsky
Michael Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Jul 17 15:12:20 UTC 2009
mrubinsk Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:12:20 -0400
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/MichaelRubinsky
New Revision: 1.1
Change log: Start dumping some notes I've had laying around in various places
@@ -3 +3,41 @@
+++Ansel 2.0 Stuff
+In no particular order, notes, todo, etc... that I've been accumulating:
+Ansel 2.0 TODO:
+PHP 5-ify ,getters/setters, clean up public,private distinction
+Change Ansel_Storage::listImages() to accept a parameter array instead
+of the gallery_id and the WHERE parameter. In addition, .need to
refactor usage
+of this method so that client code doesn't have to know anything
about the SQL table
+structure. i.e. get rid of the WHERE parameter. All non
Ansel_Gallery code should be
+calling Ansel_Gallery::listImages and not Ansel_Stroage list
images....which leads to:
+Make Ansel_Storage purely a class that
Ansel_Image/Ansel_Gallery/Ansel_Tagger etc... use and NEVER client code.
+list* methods should return ids, get* methods should return objects.
+'namespace' all ansel js, output all strings in js and consolidate
all the gallery_view js into a single *.js file
+Refactor Ansel_Gallery to make it less dependent on the Share
implementation for when/if Shares changes again.
+(Maybe use composition instead of inheritance with the Share object).
+Make it easier to add new ModeHelper objects. There should be an
init function somewhere that
+returns the available modes that are installed. Normal and Date
should be 'built in' and always available - maybe parse the
+contents of a special custom Mode folder?
+Related to above, come up with a detailed idea of what a gallery
"style" will be...clarify what a "mode" is vs a "style", how to allow
for (and what to call) special modes (such as a possible "remote
gallery") that cannot be arbitrarily switched between modes (like the
current Normal and Date modes can be). Maybe a gallery "type" that is
specified initially that cannot be changed (Local, Remote, etc...)?
And, obviously along with all this, finally provide a UI (and backend
support) to allow the user to define their own gallery styles.
(Layout, color, thumbnail type etc..).
+Allow user-specific, global, settings for what Ansel_Widgets are
visible, allowing them to remove a widget that is defined in the style
to un-clutter the view.
+Modularize the photo (and maybe gallery) actions so we can easily
plug in new actions, such as "Send this photo to Flickr" etc...
+Maybe a "import/export" ability - to transfer images to other
services like Flickr, facebook, and import them from services that the
user has perms to.
+ Layout ideas:
+ http://ajaxian.com/archives/cross-browser-inline-block
+lazy load image thumbnails for some styles: Needs to be implemented
on top of prototype...
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