[cvs] [Wiki] changed: AnselModule

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jan 11 18:13:35 UTC 2010

mrubinsk  Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:13:35 -0500

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/AnselModule
New Revision:  1.2
Change log:  Stubs for embedding options

@@ -20,4 +20,21 @@
  * //ansel/scripts/recursive_import.php// - If you have images on the  
server box, and have command line access, you can use this script to  
add the images directly to Ansel.
  * For similar functionality to the recursive_import script, there is  
the //ansel/scripts/remote_import.php script that can be run from any  
client machine. There is even an applescript helper application,  
!AnselPublish.scpt that lets you drag and drop a folder onto the  
script's icon to create a new gallery (named after the folder), and  
upload all images to the new gallery.

  ++ Embedding Ansel content in external websites
+Ansel supports embedding it's content in external websites. For  
examples, see http://rubinskyfamily.com and  
+++++ Examples
+* A single image that links to an ansel gallery:
+* A series of images from a single gallery:
+* Arbitrary images from any number of galleries
+In addition to the main choices listed above, the following pairs can  
be added to the request's parameters
+* thumbsize
+* style
+* start
+* count
+* perpage
+* hidelinks
+* lightbox

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