Warning: Undefined property: name in /horde/imp/compose.php on line 170

Edwin Culp eculp@MexComUSA.Net
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:38:27 -0700

I am using:
 PHP Version: 4.0.3pl1
 Horde: 1.3.2-cvs
 IMP: 2.3.6-cvs
and just realized that somewhere I have managed to pick up what looks
like something out of sync and am getting the above error four times,
one for each of the asignations in the while loop:

     while (list($ref, $mime) = each($attachments)) {
        $attachments_name[] = $mime->name;
        $attachments_size[] = $mime->size;
        $attachments_file[] = $index . '-' . $ref . '.mime';
        $attachments_type[] = $mime->TYPE . '/' . $mime->subtype;

I almost never use attachments and without them everything is fine.  I'm
sure attachments worked before, I think.

Would someone please tell me what I am missing.

