Spell Checker in Development Version

Scott Martin martin@math.ohiou.edu
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:58:49 -0500

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I just now tried out the spell checker in 2.3-dev. IT KICKS ASS! I even
substituted ASPELL for ISPELL and it worked great! Couple of suggestions:

It took me a couple of minutes to figure out that the "next" and "cancel"
were actaully links and not just text. Could you either make then look like
a button or underline them? That would help a bunch.

Also, reguarding people substituting aspell for ispell. I've noticed that
ispell hasn't been developped any since '95. I would like to suggest that
you change the:


section to:


or something similar so as to not make people think they are forced into
using ispell. That's it, good job guys!

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