[dev] Problem with linking imp to a php script that recieved info from a form.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 15:42:18 -0500

Quoting Michael Bull <mbull@uoguelph.ca>:

> I'm trying to create a PHP application that ties into IMP as far as knowing 
> who's logging in and authenticated.   What includes do I need to do in 
> order to be able to do this?  I have something working, but I think I'm 
> including too many, perhaps -- as now the code that worked before is not 
> recognizing form variables as the $formvariable style names, and is 
> complaining that they are undefined... yet they still seem to be accessible.

If you get imp's session information, the current user (if there is one)
will be in $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['imp']['user']. If you want more detailed
advice, you'll probably have to provide some of your code.


...and remember: elmo is _not_ an insertion toy.