[dev] Sendmail

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:31:48 -0500

Quoting Scott Martin <martin@math.ohiou.edu>:

> Please excuse my ignorance again, but I need you guys to teach me something.
> I just built Sendmail and I want to make sure it works. First of all, my
> understanding is that IMP only uses Sendmail to send out a message that
> you've composed. Correct? Which means it uses the IMAP client to get mail
> from the servers. Is that also correct? So if I successfully send a mail
> from IMP, then sendmail is working. Right?

All correct.

> Last question. I did successfully
> send a mail using IMP after I built sendmail, but upon examining the source,
> I found the following line:
> X-Authentication-Warning: eric.math.ohiou.edu: nobody set sender to
> martin@math.ohiou.edu using -f
> What does this mean and is it anything to be concerned about? Thanks!



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