[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: imp mailbox.php navigator.php ...

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 11:08:00 -0500

At 02:53 PM 18/12/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>What do people think about disabling the folder menu now?  We have
>the outstanding issue with the navigator of the parent-folder
>detection, and that's it (I think).

If that's done, I suggest Navigator get renamed to "folders".   It provides 
functioning related to folders (add, create, delete, etc) and if someone 
wasn't clear on the folder selection box on the inbox, they can still get 
to their folders that way as well.

Anil -- great work with the folder refreshes!  Only thing I'm noticing is 
that I'm not getting a javascript popup -- I haven't gone through the code 
yet; is that because that part of things hasn't been implemented? (If so, I 
should be able to add one).

One more thing, while I remember -- I'm trying to do a bit of local 
modifications, and I'm unclear of the IMP::ComposeLink() function.  I read 
through the code from IMP.php and it makes sense, but I can't quite figure 
out what format to pass parameters through in order to set the to, subject, 
etc.     What format does ComposeLink expect those parameters in?
