[dev] PHP 4.0.4 options?

Max Kalika max@the-triumvirate.net
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:28:09 -0800

Quoting Dan Brown <danb35@earthlink.net>:

> 	OK, I see that PHP 4.0.4 has been released, so I'm thinking I'll
> install that so I can upgrade my horde/imp CVS to current versions. 
> What options should I compile into it?  Obviously I'll want MySQL and
> IMAP, but what else do I need?

If you're talking about horde/imp 1.3/2.3 cvs you will definately need gnu 
gettext (--with-gettext) and zlib (zlib --with-zlib).  Optionally php-4.0.4 
supports --with-imap-ssl which will make your connection from c-client to imap 
server encrypted.  However, I'm not sure about this, but I think that 
openssl's -lcrypto library has its own crypt() call which won't do MD5 (12 char 
salts -- $1$...$) passwords.  If you don't need that functionality, go ahead 
and compile it with imap ssl and imp's connection to the imap server can be 
completely encrypted if you also have the page under ssl.
