horde/config/modules.php.dist -- alternate planned?

Apis Hytt php3dev@carousel.tabcat.com
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 23:31:05 -0600 (CST)

	-- on noting horde/config/modules.php.dist removal
2.3.x CVS

	o modules.php is a very easy, fast way to add a site
coded module under horde to add entry menu items to the bottom navbar and 
assign graphics and starter script etc. for same.

	o What scheme do you plan for replacement with similar
simple capabilities for non-horde distributed modules?

	o I use www.somplace.xxx/horde to get to imp and
other horde and non-horde modules activated now with modules.php

	Calling horde as the *master* and then xfer to appropriate
modules is Good Feature(TM) !

	I guess you have notion(s) up sleeve?