[dev] Timeouts for idle webmail users?

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Mon, 08 Jan 2001 16:37:57 -0500

At 01:50 PM 08/01/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I suppose the best way to go about implementing timeouts would be via
>some shim in the session routines.  There's already a timestamp on the
>session itself (used by PHP's session garbage collection).  We could
>try acting on that value to determine if the session has been idle
>greater than a configurable period of time and log the user out
>(gracefully) accordingly.

Hmm, I thought I answered this one but I didn't see my original message; 
sorry if this goes twice. :)

Where would you suggest to start? (I'm not totally familiar with the 
session routines; I assume they're part of Horde?)

I've given some thought to this.  We would want to do more than just log 
the user out.  We would want to redirect to a timedout.php page, which 
would be passed information needed to restart the session and a prompt to 
login -- this is the similar schema that Hotmail uses, I think.   As in... 
if I spent an hour composing a message, I wouldn't want to get idled 
out.   However, if it directed me to a page I could re-login into, and 
*then* it would automatically post my message (submitting back to 
compose.php?) -- that would be perfect!   This is of particular use to 
those of us that are targeting IMP at large public labs.

I'm willing to work on this if someone can give me some pointers are the 
best hooks to start this on in these session handlers.  I'll try and hack 
around a bit more this evening.
