[dev] my IMP broke

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 22:57:42 +0100

Jon Parise wrote:
> I suppose having it as a user preference is alright, but it would
> introduce a number of support issues (for both us, as the developers,
> and for the site administrators, too) as far as consistency and
> variability is concerned.

I dont think that it will be a lot of work for developer's or

It will simply give choice to user's, to choose the interface they
For administrators, they can set 
frames, 0, 0 in prefs.php and lock it if they dont want it.
They can also (as in our case) set
frames 1, 0 and lock it if they want everyone to use the frames

On the other hand, if you keep it as separate patches, it will be a lot
maintainance night mare, since the patch will have to change with every
new addition
of code.

Atif Ghaffar
Internet Development Manager
4unet AG/SA 

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