[dev] Feature request

Dan Brown danb35@earthlink.net
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 14:48:02 -0500

Rich Lafferty wrote:

> One other consideration -- this makes it really easy for IMP to break
> in ways beyond our control.

	Good point, and I hadn't considered this.

> (There's also the issue that SpamCop requires you to agree to its
> terms of use before you submit anything, and its author writes:
> "I would prefer that you don't set up a posting-form from your
> site. I want the users to see MY instructions and news updates
> when they use SpamCop.")

	I think the first is taken care of by the use of the "authorization
key" which you need in order to use the system at all.  I don't remember
seeing the second item there before, but that would tend to put the
kibosh on my idea (at least, it would if you guys were going to be nice,
which is generally a good idea). 

Dan Brown, KE6MKS, danb35@earthlink.net
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy
and taste good with ketchup."