[dev] using horde...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 00:29:42 -0500

Quoting Brian Jones <cbj@gnu.org>:

> Hello everyone,

Welcome back!

> I'm in the process of getting together what I need to write a new
> Horde module.  I did a cvs co on the STABLE branch of the Horde module
> and have noticed it doesn't include buildlib and related separate
> files which are usually combined into a single big library by the Perl
> script.  Did this simply not get labeled?  

Things have changed a lot. =) The perl script is gone in 1.2/2.2 in the 
interest of ease of installation. But ...

> So the question really is, how do I get a full version of the latest
> STABLE work.  I don't think I want to track cvs like I used to do and
> fix things on the bleeding edge... but I'd truly prefer to have the
> Horde lib in it's separate components and use buildlib myself.  ;)  

... if you're going to build a new app, you _really_ want Horde 1.3. It's 
mostly stable; the API is still coalescing a bit, but it is _much_ better 
designed than 1.2 ever was. There's even some API documentation - 
http://chuck.bitgroup.com/api/ is updated every hour.

It does require php4, btw. Taking a look at the cvs of IMP/Turba/Gollem should 
give you an idea of how apps are put together with the new stuff.

Let us know if you have any questions. Any hints what you're working on?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist

>From cbj@gnu.org Date: 16 Feb 2001 00:47:22 -0500
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Subject: Re: [dev] using horde...

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org> writes:

> ... if you're going to build a new app, you _really_ want Horde
> 1.3. It's mostly stable; the API is still coalescing a bit, but it
> is _much_ better designed than 1.2 ever was. There's even some API
> documentation - http://chuck.bitgroup.com/api/ is updated every
> hour.

Where is the information on how to generate this documentation?

> Let us know if you have any questions. Any hints what you're working
> on?

I'll share when I have something worth sharing.  :)

Brian Jones <cbj@gnu.org>