Local SQL Schema for Turba?

Dan Brown danb35@earthlink.net
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 21:35:40 -0500

	Since IMP 2.3 works so nicely, I've decided to tackle Turba.  For the
sake of (relative) simplicity, I'd like to use the local SQL setup--but
how do I set it up?  I see the turba.sql file in turba/docs/, but it
creates tables of Turba_Objects, Turba_Groups, and Turba_Groups_Objects,
while the sample entry for Local SQL in sources.php is looking for a
table called addresses.  I didn't find anything in the list archives. 
Am I missing something painfully obvious?

Dan Brown, KE6MKS, danb35@earthlink.net
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy
and taste good with ketchup."