[dev] kronolith. how to test if libmcal is working.

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 07:38:30 +0200

Max Kalika wrote:
> Most likely its the fault of libmcal.  
Yes I have found out.
I am trying to get it to work with mcal (a libmcal client)
and its segfaulting if I give it a username and password

> I had two problems with it on Friday and
> Chuck patched the install to fix one of them.  
patched libmcal or mcal?

> Also make sure you nuke the -DUSE_PAM
> (which is probably what is causing your current install to fail) flag from
> mstore's makefile (I also took off -DDEBUG).  

me too.

> Before testing mcal, make sure
> you have an /etc/mpasswd file which contains a colon seperated
> username:password line.  You can generate this with the htpasswd command or, in
> absense of that, the following commandline:
I have /etc/mpasswd file
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root           19 Apr 22 07:27 /etc/mpasswd

and the contents of /etc/mpasswd

uncrypted pass is test.

> Make sure the /var/calendar directory exists and contains world write
> permissions with sticky bit set (1777).  

here is my /var/calendar file
drwxrwxrwt   2 nobody   nogroup        55 Apr 22 06:26 /var/calendar

before even going into PHP, I try with mcal
% mcal -u atif -p test
Segmentation fault

% mcal -u atif #with no pass works
% mcal by itself works too

> Once all that is set, you can test if libmcal is compiled into php correctly
> with something like this:
> <?php
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
> $mcal = mcal_open('{/mstore}<blah>', 'login', 'password');
> var_dump($mcal);
> ?>
> If all is right, you should get a var_dump result of int(1).  Otherwise, you'll
> get a warning about not being able to open stream.

I get the warning

Ill reinstall PHP+apache and try again.

thanks for your help.

> Good luck!