Horde portal
Jan Schneider
Thu, 31 May 2001 16:42:12 +0200
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I'm starting to implement a "portal" for horde, that is after login to horde
you get a summary of information from you horde apps. E.g. new emails from imp,
todays appointments from kronolith and open tasks from nag. Just
imagine "Outlook Today".
I thought I would manage to implement this without indepth knowhow of the horde
framework with a little bit of cut and paste and some general php skills. But I
was wrong.
My problem right now is, after successfully logging in to horde (auth/login is
imp) I get redirected back to horde/login.php. Great. But when I try to execute
IMP::authenticate in my imp portal module, I get a LOGIN FAILED in my imp.log.
Attached you find the changed and new files, if someone has the time and
interest to have a look at it...
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Name: horde_portal.tar.gz
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/4765add2/horde_portal.tar.gz
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