Language suppport: nl --> nl_NL

Joris Braakman
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:48:01 +0200


I got IMP working to support Dutch on Debian unstable, yeah!

The Debian linux part:
- uncomment the lines starting with nl_NL in /etc/locale.gen
- run locale-gen

The horde and imp part:
- Since Debian uses nl_NL I copied the nl.po files to nl_NL.po in imp/po
  and horde/po 
- did a make install in both the po directories.
- in horde/config/lang.php modied all references from nl to nl_NL

And then it worked. :-)

I think that nl everywhere should be changed to nl_NL and that nl can be
removed. Or am I missing something?

Also, since the .mo files are binary and platform specific I think they
should not be in CVS. It would be a part of the installation process to 
generate them. Now I get a message saying:
cvs update: move away horde/imp/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/; it is in the way
C horde/imp/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/

Last thing, cvsweb for horde doesn't work ( I
get the "The Horde Project" page. 

Regards, Joris.