Horde Installer

Jon Parise jon@horde.org
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 12:29:35 -0400

So I attended Andrei and Frank's "PHP-GTK" presentation at the
O'Reilly Convention last week, and I have to say, it is one
really cool use of PHP.

Anyway, I was thinking it might be an interesting tool for
developing a Horde installer application.  Because the GTK stuff
is pseudo-cross-platform (works under X and Windows), it would
allow us to hit most of our target audience.

The obvious downside is the need for the administrator to install
the PHP-GTK (and GTK) stuff, but I don't know how harsh of a
requirement that really is.

Of course, this doesn't necessarily have to be _the_ Horde
installer, but it would definitely be neat to have _a_ GUI Horde

Thoughts on this?

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member