[dev] javascript
Thu, 02 Aug 2001 16:51:12 -0500
Ok, I am going to work on it, I just want to know what you think:
are you for a Capability.php class or Browser.php class. I would prefer the
1st solution.
I just would like to know your opinions, changing it after takes a long
time ;-)
> Theses functions are used pretty often in IMP, so we could define an API
> > for that?
> > I was hesitation between putting these functions in the Browser.php
> file or
> > create a new file
> > Capability.php that would be a factory of a Javascript class if Javascript
> > is enabled.
> >
> > What do you think?
>From marc@register4less.com Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 13:22:45 -0400
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Subject: IMP 2.3.x Search feature...
I tried using the Search Feature to select a bunch of emails based on the To:
field. The search went well and I got the emails I was searching for;
Now, I selected the whole bunch and tried to delete them... but that did not
work as the emails are still there.
Any one has seen that behavior? Is it broken?
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