Turba/Chora spanish translations
Julian Jares
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 17:24:37 -0300
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Ok, I have turba and chora now... I put them on an unreliable dsl web server
in http://joule.no-ip.com/hordedev/ , it shouldn't be down often. :-)
Also, I'll do Kronolith if it is not done, and any other else you need, it's
not as time consuming as I thought it will be.
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>From janmailing@gmx.de Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 21:43:21 +0000
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Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 21:43:21 +0000
From: Jan Schneider <janmailing@gmx.de>
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Subject: Re: [dev] Turba/Chora spanish translations
Thanks, but should also post a translation for horde.
Zitat von Julian Jares <jjares@techie.com>:
> Ok, I have turba and chora now... I put them on an unreliable dsl web
> server
> in http://joule.no-ip.com/hordedev/ , it shouldn't be down often. :-)
> Also, I'll do Kronolith if it is not done, and any other else you need,
> it's
> not as time consuming as I thought it will be.
> Bye,
> Julian
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