NIC ping patch for Win32

Michael Cochrane
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 14:18:34 +1200

Here is the change I made to ping.php to allow it to work in a win32 system.
I have tested this and it works fine on my Windows 2000, Apache system.

Could someone commit this to the CVS tree if no problems are found with it.

if (stristr(php_uname(),"Windows")) {
 exec("ping -n 5 -w 3000 $addr", $ping);
 // $i=1 to reduce the number of blank lines
 for ($i=1; $i<count($ping); $i++) {
   $results.= "<BR>$ping[$i]\n";
} else {
 exec("/bin/ping -c 5 $addr", $ping);
 for ($i=0; $i<count($ping); $i++) {
   $results.= "<BR>$ping[$i]\n";

