[dev] Fwd: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.7
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 22:06:33 +0200
At 20:54 8/8/2001, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote the following:
>All right...how do we want to handle _this_ in our standards?
I guess that depends on the required version of PHP. HTTP_*_VARS
will remain, as Zeev wrote. If you don't want to require 4.0.7+,
$_* should be banned.
Another issue is error_reporting. Is the Horde family E_ALL clean?
I guess it's not, since this is not mentioned in CODING_STANDARDS.
And I also think it should be.
>----- Forwarded message from Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com> -----
> Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 21:48:19 +0300
> From: Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
>Reply-To: Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.7
> To: php-dev@lists.php.net, php-qa@lists.php.net
>As those of you who are subscribed to php-cvs may have noticed, Andi and I
>implemented today the functionality I suggested to replace register_globals:
>- $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_ENV and $_SERVER replace $HTTP_*_VARS
>(the old vars still remain for downwards compatibility)
>- The new variables are auto-globals - they're available in all function
>contexts - there's no need to import them using the 'global' statement or
>reference them using $GLOBALS.
>- $_REQUEST (this name might change) - includes the data from $_GET,
>$_POST, $_COOKIE and $_FILES, all in one array, for those users who don't
>really care to differentiate between the various types of input.
>This change was my last major TODO item for PHP 4.0.7. At this point, we
>should try to get PHP 4.0.7 out the door soon. I suggest we branch 4.0.7
>away next Tuesday, and start the QA process. This should give people
>enough time to make any final changes they want to put into 4.0.7.
>One other idea I'd like to pitch is releasing 4.0.7 and 4.1.0
>simultaneously, with the only difference between them being the default
>value for register_globals. This would create lots of noise and encourage
>people to start actually using the new $_GET&friends features, which can
>otherwise go unnoticed.
And the eyes of them both were opened and they saw that their files
were world readable and writable, so they chmoded 600 their files.
- Book of Installation chapt 3 sec 7
>From chuck@horde.org Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 15:57:29 -0400
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Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 15:57:29 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [dev] Fwd: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.7
Quoting Cynic <cynic@mail.cz>:
> I guess that depends on the required version of PHP. HTTP_*_VARS
> will remain, as Zeev wrote. If you don't want to require 4.0.7+,
> $_* should be banned.
Well, we're going to need 4.0.7 for a stable release of PEAR, anyway...
> Another issue is error_reporting. Is the Horde family E_ALL clean?
> I guess it's not, since this is not mentioned in CODING_STANDARDS.
> And I also think it should be.
Someone want to put this in?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.