[dev] Updated French Chora translation

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 09:29:14 +0000

Zitat von Mathieu Arnold <arn_mat@club-internet.fr>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
> > 
> > There's probably no alias set in your lang.php. We will set all language
> > settings from fr to fr_FR as soon as we have all necessary translations.
> If i understand well, it will not be possible to have different fr
> translations, as fr_FR, fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_Lu (for france, belgium,
> canada, switzerland or luxembourg) ?

Of course it will. This is one of the advantages of the LL_CC notation. The 
reason for the alias entry is to select the right locale messages, if the 
browser just sends a "fr" in the language-accept header.
