[dev] error in mailbox.php line 143

Max Kalika max@lsit.ucsb.edu
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 10:10:48 -0700

Quoting Pavel Chytil <pchytil@asp.ogi.edu>:

> Well my update of cvs did wrong lines in it. (>>>>>>>>>>> mailbox.php and 
> <<<<<<<<<< mailbox.php) I corrected by myself, but it looked like it's
> comming from cvs, but it is not. I deleted the file and did update and it is 
> fine know.

That happens when your local modifications clash with those that are in cvs.  
The easiest way to clean them up is to remove the offending file and do another 
cvs update.  However if you want to keep your local changes, you can move the 
file out, cvs update it, and apply your custom stuff mannually.

---max kalika
-lsit systems administrator