[dev] horde framework

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 09:13:15 +0200

Basically imp sets the authentication info horde wide so that each horde 
application and horde itself can use this information. For example for storing 

Currently gollem is the only app that isn't authenticated that way but this 
will be changed as soon as the new authentication stuff Jon mentioned is ready.


Zitat von Lucas Rockwell <lr@meer.net>:

> Jan,
> This is an interesting thing to consider. However, if authentication for
> horde is done via imp using IMAP, how does horde track the user for doing
> things like updating preferences?
> -lucas
> >If you don't really depend on the PG database to handle your horde
> >authentication, you can also setup horde to use imp as its authentication
> >handler.
> >You just have to comment out the first two lines in registry.php and will
> login
> >to imp and horde at once.
> >
> >Jan.
> >
> >Zitat von Lucas Rockwell <lr@meer.net>:
> >
> >> >Now, assuming the IMAP server uses the same passwords that exist
> >> >in the PostgreSQL database, it may soon be possible for you to
> >> >log into Horde, have the Horde framework remember your password,
> >> >and have IMP use that password to authenticate you when logging
> >> >in to the IMAP server.  That will save you from entering your
> >> >username and password at an IMP login prompt (which is what I
> >> >think you want to do).
> >> >
> >> >Chuck made some big steps toward this goal just a few days ago,
> >> >but I'm not sure whether all of the pieces are now in place for
> >> >it to work as I suggest in the previous paragraph.
> >>
> >> This is very good to know. I can stop messing around with this and work
> on
> >> other stuff. I look forward to Chuck's implementation of this feature.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> -lucas
> >>
> > > --
> -- 
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