[dev] fix please lang.php on horde config

Anton Nekhoroshih anton@valuehost.ru
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:19:14 +0300

Hello Jan,

  20 Dec 2001, 12:47:43, Вы писали:

>>   lang.php
>>   old:
>> ! $nls['charsets']['ru_win'] = 'cp1251';
>>   new:
>> ! $nls['charsets']['ru_win'] = 'windows-1251';

JS> As far as I know, both are valid.

No, it is no true at us in Russia two codings windows-1251 and koi8-r, only on them the text is learned in what coding.
cp1251 it windows the coding and to mail has no relation.
Besides IMP knows only windows-1251 and koi8-r, I wrote patches for this purpose.

>> + $nsl['charsets']['ru_koi'] = 'koi8-r';

JS> I don't know very much about Russion languages and charset but can you 
JS> explain what the difference between those both is, so that we can list the 
JS> ru_koi translation in our language list?

JS> Btw, it seems like these translations aren't maintained anymore. Do you by 
JS> chance have some time and knowledge to update them?

I all time update everything, and I watch changes. koi8-r some people use.

 Anton                          mailto:anton@valuehost.ru