Gollem Login option
Samuel Mota
Thu, 3 Jan 2002 12:39:43 -0200
I needed to allow users without email accounts (that can not login at imp,
my default horde auth system) to use Gollem to access my FTP server (my
clients will use it). Then I did some changes to allow this.
But I'm not used with *nix development tools and at this time and I will not
be able to send my modifications at the correct form (any links and tips?).
Then I'm sending my modifications here with some comments
CONFIG/CONF.PHP (inside the "Users Capabilities and Constraints" section)
// If this is 'true' Gollem will accept login attempts from anyone
// that meets 'valid_domains' even if Gollem is not the Horde Login
// option and the user is not logged in Horde
$conf['user']['foreign_user']['allow'] = true;
// List of IPs or domain names that your foreign user must be
// if an empty array is set and allow is true all users could login at
// (preceed domain names with one dot)
#$conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'] =
* Auxiliar function used at allowForeignUser()
* Remove the ip Address form Host information
* @return string (only the host name)
function getHost($host) {
$host_arr=explode(".", $host);
if($count > 1){
$userHost = substr(strstr($host, "."),1);
} else {
} else {
return $userHost;
* Confirm if this user domain is allowed to access without Horde auth.
* @return bool
* true -> this user can login direct at gollem
* false-> this user must use Horde auth
function allowForeignUser() {
global $conf; //set at conf/conf.php
if(!$conf['user']['foreign_user']['allow']) { //user must be logged in
return false;
} elseif(sizeof($conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'])==0) {
//any user can loggin direct at Gollem
return true;
} else { //we will check if the user is in an acceptable domain
$returnValue = false;
$userHost = getHost($GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR']);
/* Verify the list of valid domains against the user domain*/
while($domain =
each($conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'])) {
$host = getHost(gethostbyaddr($domain[1]));
if($host==$userHost) { //they meet
$returnValue = true;
break; //finish the loop
return $returnValue;
One improvement that could be made is allow checking for IP addresses not
only for domains (using ip ranges)
(this function change everything to domain name and validate, this generate
a problem when your client is connected to the internet through a ISP
gateway because all ISP's clients will have the same domain)
I'll do it someday (I hope) but for now this is my solution.
Any comments?
Samuel Mota
>From jan@horde.org Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:51:55 +0100
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:51:55 +0100
From: Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [dev] Gollem Login option
Chuck added a basic ip based authentication driver to the Auth:: class
recently that does almost exactly what you did.
Did you try this one? You find the driver in horde/lib/Auth/ipbasic.php.
Zitat von Samuel Mota <samuel@gsw.com.br>:
> Hello,
> I needed to allow users without email accounts (that can not login at
> imp,
> my default horde auth system) to use Gollem to access my FTP server (my
> clients will use it). Then I did some changes to allow this.
> But I'm not used with *nix development tools and at this time and I will
> not
> be able to send my modifications at the correct form (any links and
> tips?).
> Then I'm sending my modifications here with some comments
> #########################################################################
> CONFIG/CONF.PHP (inside the "Users Capabilities and Constraints"
> section)
> #########################################################################
> // If this is 'true' Gollem will accept login attempts from anyone
> // that meets 'valid_domains' even if Gollem is not the Horde Login
> // option and the user is not logged in Horde
> $conf['user']['foreign_user']['allow'] = true;
> // List of IPs or domain names that your foreign user must be
> // if an empty array is set and allow is true all users could login at
> gollem
> // (preceed domain names with one dot)
> #$conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'] =
> array('','.example.com');
> #########################################################################
> #########################################################################
> #########################################################################
> /**
> * Auxiliar function used at allowForeignUser()
> * Remove the ip Address form Host information
> *
> * @return string (only the host name)
> **/
> function getHost($host) {
> $host=chop(@gethostbyaddr($host));
> if($host){
> $host_arr=explode(".", $host);
> $count=count($host_arr);
> if($count > 1){
> if(intval($host_arr[$count-1])!=0)
> $userHost=substr($host,0,strrpos($host,"."));
> else
> $userHost = substr(strstr($host, "."),1);
> } else {
> $userHost=$host;
> }
> } else {
> $userHost="";
> }
> return $userHost;
> }
> /**
> * Confirm if this user domain is allowed to access without Horde auth.
> *
> * @return bool
> * true -> this user can login direct at gollem
> * false-> this user must use Horde auth
> **/
> function allowForeignUser() {
> global $conf; //set at conf/conf.php
> if(!$conf['user']['foreign_user']['allow']) { //user must be logged
> in
> Horde
> return false;
> exit;
> } elseif(sizeof($conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'])==0)
> {
> //any user can loggin direct at Gollem
> return true;
> exit;
> } else { //we will check if the user is in an acceptable domain
> $returnValue = false;
> $userHost = getHost($GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR']);
> /* Verify the list of valid domains against the user domain*/
> while($domain =
> each($conf['user']['foreign_user']['valid_domains'])) {
> $host = getHost(gethostbyaddr($domain[1]));
> if($host==$userHost) { //they meet
> $returnValue = true;
> break; //finish the loop
> }
> }
> return $returnValue;
> }
> }
> #########################################################################
> One improvement that could be made is allow checking for IP addresses
> not
> only for domains (using ip ranges)
> (this function change everything to domain name and validate, this
> generate
> a problem when your client is connected to the internet through a ISP
> gateway because all ISP's clients will have the same domain)
> I'll do it someday (I hope) but for now this is my solution.
> Any comments?
> Thanks
> Samuel Mota
> --
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> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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>From jan@horde.org Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 16:23:31 +0100
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 16:23:31 +0100
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Subject: parent:: $this-> and other stuff
We often use classes as packages rather than constructors like the Horde::
class for example. These package classes do also support inheritance and
the parent:: operator, but of course not the $this operator as there is no
object to be referenced.
Now I've run into a problem that perhaps someone else can fix or
workaround. Say we have these classes:
class Horde {
function foo() {
function bar()
class Horde_sub extends Horde {
function foo() {
The intention is hopefully clear. When I call Horde_sub::bar() I want to
execute this chain: Horde_sub::bar() -> Horde_sub::foo() -> Horde::foo() ->
do_something() -> do_something_else()
This doesn't work of course because Horde_sub::bar() (inherited from
Horde::bar()) call Horde::foo() instead of Horde_sub::foo(). If this were
an object I would write $this->foo() in Horde::bar() and everything would
work. Can anybody think of a construct which makes this work with these
package style classes also (something like this::foo() which doesn't work
of course)?
AMMMa AG - discover your knowledge
Detmolder Str. 25-33 :: D-33604 Bielefeld
fon +49.521.96878-0 :: fax +49.521.96878-20