[dev] IMP 3.0: Unexpected behaviour when resizing window

Rémi Cohen-Scali Remi@Cohen-Scali.com
Fri, 04 Jan 2002 16:24:56 +0100

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Rich Lafferty wrote:

>On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 04:56:30PM +0200, Leena Heino (liinu@uta.fi) wrote:
>>Quite annoying feature (both in the release and head versions) is
>>the quite unexpected behavious when user resizes browser window:
>Unfortunately, that's an annoying feature in Netscape. I sent them a
>bug report for Netscape 3.01 Gold back when that was current, and,
>well, it still happens in Mozilla, I bet. :-(
No it don't in mozilla. This bug is due to the design of the netscape 4 
html parser. It is a stream oriented parser. The objects size 
arecomputed & objects rendered as the stream is read. Mozilla as no such 
parser. It is a dom oriented parser.

>There's nothing that can be done about it on the webserver side.
>  -Rich

                   Remi Cohen-Scali                       /\\
<Remi@Cohen-Scali.com>          <rcoscali@rcsnet.net>    _\_v

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